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Organic Probiotic - 90 tablets


RRP: 25.90 €

Discover this innovative organic formula based on yeast (S. boulardii) and fiber (acacia gum). Formulated to maintain a good digestion and a healthy intestinal flora.

Probiotics are living micro-organisms that benefit the functioning of the body. They participate in the development of good bacteria in our digestive system.

Prebiotics are the favorite food of the micro-organisms that live in our intestines. They are fibers such as cellulose, inulin, FOS or acacia fiber. These ingredients ferment in the intestines promoting the growth of micro-organisms. They therefore contribute to good intestinal health.

Vegan | Organic

Contains: 90 tablets

Brand: Les Bio Frères

Agriculture biologique Vegan V-label

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Swallow 2 tablets per day.

Each intake of 2 tablets provides you with 50 mg of S. boulardii yeast, i.e. 1 billion CFU (Colony Forming Units) and 500 mg of organic acacia fiber. Enough to make you and your microbiota feel good.

Ingredients: Organic acacia fiber, organic corn malodextrin, yeast and magnesium silicate

Made in Belgium

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