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P’Tits Déj’ et Goûters Pauvres en Sucres - M. Walkowicz
P’Tits Déj’ et Goûters Pauvres en Sucres - M. Walkowicz
RRP: 14.90 € Less sugar at home, for zen and healthy children thanks to the advice and recipes of a dietician specialized in carbohydrates. The best nutritional advice we can give to parents is: free your children from sugar! And...
Famille en Transition Écologique - J. Pichon & B. Moret
Famille en Transition Écologique - J. Pichon & B. Moret
RRP: 15 € What is the real impact of our lifestyle on the environment? How can we measure it? And above all: what changes should we make in our daily lives if we want to preserve the planet? Follow the...
Couture Zéro Déchet - Je me Lance ! - Laurane R. K
Couture Zéro Déchet - Je me Lance ! - Laurane R. K
RRP: 16.90 € 30 reusable objects for a sustainable lifestyle. You don't know how to sew? No problem! Laurane had never touched a sewing machine in her life... until she embarked on the zero waste journey. Today, she knows how...
Déchets Land, la Face Cachée de nos Déchets - A. Belot
Déchets Land, la Face Cachée de nos Déchets - A. Belot
RRP: 25.50 € A comic book investigation into the heart of waste management and solutions to change the world. What happens to our waste once we have thrown it in the green or yellow bin? Can we sleep on our...
Slipi Tome 1: Ça Déménage - B. Moret & A.-É. Rozier
Slipi Tome 1: Ça Déménage - B. Moret & A.-É. Rozier
RRP: 9.90 € "Slipi ça déménage" is the first volume of a humorous comic book series aimed at 7-11 year olds to entertain them while making them think (a little) about social issues: overconsumption, ecology, addiction to screens... "And then...
Zéro Plastique Zéro Toxique - A. Gubri
Zéro Plastique Zéro Toxique - A. Gubri
RRP: 13.90 € 101 tips and DIY to adopt an ecological lifestyle when you don't always have the time or the money. Do you dream of reducing your waste, cleaning your home without pollutants, making toxic-free cosmetics, wasting less, consuming...
Ma Cosmétique Minimaliste - P. Dehecq
Ma Cosmétique Minimaliste - P. Dehecq
RRP: 16.90 € 50 recipes for homemade cosmetics, without pixie dust, to pamper your body naturally. In another life, Pauline Dehecq worked for the cosmetics industry. She knows exactly what you should never put on your skin: mineral oils derived...
La Cuisine Zéro Gâchis - Seddik, Van Nimwegen & Roetert
La Cuisine Zéro Gâchis - Seddik, Van Nimwegen & Roetert
RRP: 18.90 € Cook with what you have on hand. Put food scraps on the menu and learn preservation techniques and chefs' secrets to avoid food waste. If you are eco-responsible, you will love this book, written by cooks who...
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Famille (Presque) Zéro Déchet - J. Pichon & B. Moret
Famille (Presque) Zéro Déchet - J. Pichon & B. Moret
RRP: 15 € A practical, illustrated and humorous guide to a sustainable lifestyle that feels good. The zero waste - try it, adopt it! Reducing your waste for the planet, for your health, for your wallet, it's time! But how...
Le Guide De L'Alimentation Durable - A. Gubri
Le Guide De L'Alimentation Durable - A. Gubri
RRP: 16.90 € How to make a commitment to the planet without taking on too much. With this guide, the power is in your plate, within reach of your fork! Did you know that the content of our plates has...
Les Zenfants Presque Zéro Déchet - Ze Mission - J. Pichon & B. Moret
Les Zenfants Presque Zéro Déchet - Ze Mission - J. Pichon & B. Moret
RRP: 13.90 € This illustrated guide encourages children from 8 years old to be active in protecting the environment, while having fun! The objective of this highly illustrated book is to become a "zero waste hero" and save the planet....
Slipi Tome 2 : La Révolution Verte - B. Moret & A.-É. Rozier
Slipi Tome 2 : La Révolution Verte - B. Moret & A.-É. Rozier
RRP: 9.90 € An adventure intended to make children think (a little) about social issues: overconsumption, ecology, addiction to screens... "When Dark Victor, the owner of the new supermarket, came to the school to give us a lot of funny...
Dryer Egg Refills - Spring Blossom
  • Spring Blossom
  • Fresh Linen
Dryer Egg Refills - Spring Blossom
RRP: 9.95 € Once the Dryer Egg's fragrance runs out, simply replace it by new fragrance sticks to keep your laundry smelling amazing. The natural fragrance oils contained in the Fresh Linen and Spring Blossom fragrance sticks add a delicate...
  • Spring Blossom
  • Fresh Linen
Dryer Eggs - Fragrance Free
  • Fragrance Free
  • Spring Blossom
  • Fresh Linen
Dryer Eggs - Fragrance Free
RRP: 9.95 & 14.95 € Ecoegg's Dryer Eggs help to separate your laundry so that more air can circulate, drying each item more quickly.  The nodules on the eggs are designed to help soften your clothes naturally so there is...
  • Fragrance Free
  • Spring Blossom
  • Fresh Linen
Laundry Egg - Fragrance Free
  • Fragrance Free
  • Spring Blossom
  • Fresh Linen
Laundry Egg - Fragrance Free
RRP: 12.95 € The Ecoegg Laundry Egg is a unique and innovative laundry washing system that cleans clothes effectively, using two types of natural mineral pellets encased in a recyclable egg. Containing no harmful chemicals and kind to your skin,...
  • Fragrance Free
  • Spring Blossom
  • Fresh Linen
Laundry Egg - British Blooms
Laundry Egg - British Blooms
RRP: 12.95 € The Laundry Egg is an innovative and kinder laundry system designed to replace laundry detergent and fabric conditioner. It leaves your clothes clean and parfumes them with the aroma of a flower field in spring. The Ecoegg...
Laundry Egg - Tropical Breeze
Laundry Egg - Tropical Breeze
RRP: 12.95 € The Laundry Egg is an innovative and kinder laundry system designed to replace laundry detergent and fabric conditioner. It leaves your clothes clean and parfumes them with the exotic smell of tropical islands. The Ecoegg Laundry Egg...
Laundry Egg Black Tourmaline Pellet Bag
Laundry Egg Black Tourmaline Pellet Bag
RRP: 2.32 € THE WHITE PELLETS SIDEKICK – added to the Laundry Egg boost the efficiency of the white pellets washing power due to their behaviour in water; in other words they are the Robin to its Batman, the white pellets can...
Laundry Egg Refills - Fragrance Free
  • Fragrance Free
  • Spring Blossom
  • Fresh Linen
Laundry Egg Refills - Fragrance Free
RRP: 7.95 € Once the Laundry Egg has been used for around 70 washes, mineral pellets inside should be replaced by new ones. This refill will last for 50 more washes and allows to make savings on detergent while reducing...
  • Fragrance Free
  • Spring Blossom
  • Fresh Linen
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Laundry egg Starter Kit – 50 wash - Tropical Breeze
Laundry egg Starter Kit – 50 wash - Tropical Breeze
RRP: 9.30 € Kickstart Your Eco Laundry Journey With The Laundry Egg Starter Kit 🌟 Easy to Use: Simply pop your Laundry Egg into your washing machine with your laundry, and you’re good to go. No mess, no fuss, just brilliantly...
Laundry Egg White Washing Pellet Bag
Laundry Egg White Washing Pellet Bag
RRP: 2.32 € THE WHITE PELLETS SIDEKICK – added to the Laundry Egg boost the efficiency of the white pellets washing power due to their behaviour in water; in other words they are the Robin to its Batman, the white pellets can...