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Famille (Presque) Zéro Déchet - J. Pichon & B. Moret


RRP: 15 €

A practical, illustrated and humorous guide to a sustainable lifestyle that feels good. The zero waste - try it, adopt it!

Reducing your waste for the planet, for your health, for your wallet, it's time! But how do you go about it? By following the steps of Jérémie and Bénédicte. This book, which is both a not-so-sad logbook and a practical guide, will lead you to the goal and save you from many traps!

With humor and self-mockery, the authors propose a detailed action plan and 10 Zero Waste challenges to get you started. Based on their knowledge of ecology, they provide hundreds of practical tips and simple alternatives for everyday life: shopping, cooking, cleaning, furniture, hygiene, make-up, clothes, gardening, DIY, parties... Because waste is everywhere!

What you'll gain: an improvement in your family's ecobalance (1 x 15L trash can for 1 month), less toxic waste and big savings. Plus the exhilarating feeling of being an actor of your life, of your health, of creating links, of touching the essential.

Editions: Thierry Souccar

Printed in France

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